Data Privacy in the Enterprise
It’s never fun to take your medicine. And to suggest any type of corporate audit might be the surest way to stop readers from taking part...

Personal & Commercial Drone Technology
Holiday 2014 could easily be hailed as the “season of the drone” as children (and likely many adults) unwrapped nearly a million of these...

Bleeding Edge Real Estate Technology
When thinking about the real estate industry, gizmos and gadgets aren’t usually the first things that come to mind. (The last piece of...

Mobile Merchant Payment Systems
Cash is king. Or so it was for millennia. Not until the 20th century did checks become popularized and employed by ordinary citizens. And...

Be a Mobile Document Dynamo
Well, kind readers, I bring great news. While tablets began their existence as excellent content consumption devices, content creation...

The State of The Password
The number of guaranteed, unfortunate realities you could count on in life used to be a short list. Death and taxes were as bad as it...